Alhamdulillah, after all hardwork promotting and trying so hard to get sponsors, finally the 'Nasyid Project Proposal' was PASSED, this competition is the First organize at C.C level and the first @ National level. Nasyid was approved, Theres alot of work to be done, beside getting MEDIA such as ONNAIR (Radio), Media Online Sponsors (Competition Announce) & all Sponsor. Team/Volunteer need to be selected before NNS project started, also strong support from MP Dr.Tan Check Bock (whois the MP during that time), C.C, & MAEC. Plan, Arrangement & Discussions for the event has been going on for month, and we come to aggree to name the Competition 'National Nasyid Competition 2000 Bukit Timah CDC & Ayer Rajah C.C'. And this is the 1st Nasyid Event been organize in CC level Alhamdulillah Syukur.
For more info pls click HERE