Sunday, April 4, 2021

BIO - National Nasyid Singapore

Welcome to National Nasyid Singapore, first and foremost, i thank you for visiting my humble site. This site first made its appearance on the on 1999 till the day the website shutdown early this years 2010, and was move here in blogspot. The purpose of this site was to introduce/promote nasyid and nasyid contemporary in this region and we also hope our munsyid will keep doing what they do best in nasyid so more people will know nasyid as alternatif entertaiment for muslim with many advice and sweet melody in every nasyid song that we hear.

Read more HERE

Sunday, October 1, 2000

1st Project NNS in CC


Alhamdulillah, after all hardwork promotting and trying so hard to get sponsors, finally the 'Nasyid Project Proposal' was PASSED, this competition is the First organize at C.C level and the first @ National level.  Nasyid was approved, Theres alot of work to be done, beside getting MEDIA such as ONNAIR (Radio), Media Online Sponsors (Competition Announce) & all Sponsor. Team/Volunteer need to be selected before NNS project started, also strong support from MP Dr.Tan Check Bock (whois the MP during that time), C.C, & MAEC.  Plan, Arrangement & Discussions for the event has been going on for month, and we come to aggree to name the Competition 'National Nasyid Competition 2000 Bukit Timah CDC & Ayer Rajah C.C'. And this is the 1st Nasyid Event been organize in CC level Alhamdulillah Syukur.

For more info pls click HERE